Interior design lockers

incl. online management system;

customised interior architecture;

sustainable steel and wood design

Tax Office Eindhoven

Approx. 1,200 office lockers with on-premise hosted electronic locker management system

The challenge

As employees do not have their own workplace, the Tax Office was looking for a total solution for storing personal belongings for staff. A key requirement was that the solution should fit seamlessly into the office interior in terms of appearance. In addition, the solution had to be sustainable, i.e. future-proof in terms of functionality and appearance.

The solution

Quispel developed around 1,200 electronic smart lockers made from a combination of materials such as steel and interior panels. It ensured that these were perfectly integrated into the stylish interior of the office. The lockers were given a timeless look by our own interior design department. Thanks to the durable design and high-quality materials, the lockers are designed to last a long time.

Dynamic locker system

All lockers are dynamically assigned and released via an integrated locker management system. The lockers can be claimed very easily via the central terminal with a PIN code and released after the end of use. This Qeeper solution is prepared to be extended with Cloud functionalities at a later date via an online connection.

Related projects

Mylocker app, very handy!

With the Mylocker app, the user can closely monitor what is happening with his/her locker. The system informs the user via the app about all kinds of things, such as alerts, time remaining for locker use, parcels issued and to be picked up, etc. Of course, a user can also simply claim an available locker or open a locker.

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